Saturday, August 25, 2012

TUNISIA / Tunisie

700, 600: two 2010-11 issues feature (at right) the Tunisian Revolution with an image of M. Bouazizi, and (at left) the 2010 Youth Olympic Games


80fr: this 1985 issue features agricultural production and food storage; Rwanda is one of the densest-populated countries in the world, making food security a high priority

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Db10: Collectors know how rare it is to find postally used stamps from Sao Tome, this 1989 issue features local trees, and shows the starfruit or carambola


32n: Savannah mammals are featured on this local art set celebrating the Intl. Day of Rights of the Child

Friday, August 17, 2012


60Le: this stamp was issued as part of a 1990 butterflies definitive set, and features the colorful Violet-washed Charaxes

Sunday, August 12, 2012


200fr: this recent 2010 issue shows typical rural dwellings; this one pictures a traditional Tamberma house


$20: the striking blue Dissotis flower is pictured on this stamp, from a 1992 native flora issue

Friday, August 10, 2012


Sh. 10: this stamp is from an issue showing birds and flowers; here the Scarlet-chested Sunbird is perched on a crown of thorns twig


Sh. 800 & 1000: two fauna stamps that were issued for the 1992 Earth Summit, featuring the Zebra and Impala, two common savannah denizens

Saturday, August 4, 2012


3z: this stunning large format stamp is from a series showing fauna of Garamba National Park. The Serval is closely related to the African Golden Cat, and is a shy savannah species with long legs relative to its body size.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


50p: this stunning Halley's Comet issue comes from the tiny British Atlantic possession of Tristan da Cunha, home to just 275 and considered the most remote inhabited archipelago on earth, lying 1,750 miles east of South Africa

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